Culturika s.r.o.
Mobile Apps Publisher
We produce, publish and promote mobile apps in Apple Appstore and Google Play
Our Principles
On our path to success, we are guided by four principles
  • Analytics First, Not Manager
    We make product decisions based on analytical data. Even the Chief Executive Director cannot change the product without a justification in figures.
  • Positive Unit Economy = Successful Product
    We do not count on organic traffic. We do not wait for accidental success. We build a positive unit economy and use advertising.
  • Hypothesis + A/B Test = A Step Forward
    We measure the efficacy of each change. It is best not to change the product, than to change it but not to measure the efficacy.
  • We Focus on What's Important
    In our company, we have only the key competences: product management and marketing and promotion. We outsource the rest.
Our Team
A small team of IT professionals, who came together in the most beautiful city in Europe.
3 reasons to contact professionals immediately:
The benefits
which application has at the very start of its release. Very important not to miss the moment and get the maximum number of installs!
Your time
You will spend hours on understanding and corrections your unavoidable mistakes. It's incredibly valuable resource in your app promotion for increasing number of installations.
The money
you lose by doing our work instead coding your new app.
  • Have a ready mobile application, but not sure that you know how to proceed?
  • Understand the value of time and prefer to spend it rationally?
  • Trust only professionals?
Contact Us:
Legal Address:
Nárožní 2787/7a, Stodůlky,
158 00 Praha 5
Legal Info:
Název subjektu:
Culturika s.r.o.

Spisová značka:
C 298635 vedená u Městského soudu v Praze

072 97 408

Den zápisu:
19. července 2018
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